Saturday, February 04, 2006

"The Iggy Trail"

I read Iggy's blog about getting slammed with great hands. Little did I know that he blazed a trail for me to follow. Fortunately for me it was limit holdem and only resulted in a loss of about $10.

Lets start with pocket Kings and max betting all the way to the river. Chaser picks up his straight on the river. Next lets have pocket Jacks. Chaser win another huge pot with two pair landing on the river. Next was pocket ladies with a lady hitting on the flop. Oh yes there is a flush filled on the river. Next pocket Aces losing to a gut shot straight on the river. Finally I get pocket Kings again. Of course maximum betting all the way to the river where yet another straight is filled. Man that is a path straight to hell. Iggy please start to lead in the other direction. Hee Hee!

I only played for about an hour last night. Losing on all three tables. I decided to turn in early at 1:00 AM. Perhaps tonight as I work on our tax return I can play longer. I did get a late start last night because we watched the movie flight path. I did not read any reviews nor have any expectations. I will say my opinion is that it was like watching paint dry. Perhaps I was just anxious to get to the poker tables.

Today we are heading to Barton Creek Mall to watch Nanny McVeigh. There will be a review to follow.

One more quick note in that I read in the Statesman today that yet another group is lobbying Texas Legislature on gambling. Hmmm should we let the casinos pay high taxes or should we just increase the taxes we pay. Think about it!

Play on!

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